

Obecne povazujeme nejakou teorii za pravdivou, pokud jeji se jeji predpovedi vyplnuji. Vezmeme dve teori, jejichz aplikace vede k (ruznym) dusledkum v ruznych oblastech. Tyto teori nemuseji byt vzajemne v prikrem sporu protoze jsou obvykle aplikovany na ruznou zkusenost. Za pravdivejsi teorie pak pravdepodobne oznacime teorii, jejiz oblast platnosti je pro nasi zkusenost dulezitejsi. Obe teorie mohou tez byt “lokalne stejne”, tj. mohou obsahovat stejny popis v prvem priblizeni (nejde o aproximaci).


  • Teorie jadra je “pravdivejsi” pri popisu jaderne elektrarny. QCD popisuje presneji elementarni interakce.
  • Teorie kulate Zeme je dulezitejsi, pokud Zemi potrebujeme obejit. Biblicka teorie Zeme je dulezitejsi, pokud nas zajimaji jeji dusledky pro lidskou spasu (zkrze podobenstvi).

Pad Rise

Padu Rise predchazi dlouhe obdobi absolutni nadrazenosti, klidu a prosperity. Nikdo nemuze Risi konkurovat.

Soucasne ale pomalu dochazi k:

  • narustani vnejsiho nebezpeci noveho, neznameho typu,
  • umrtveni zakladni ideje, na ktere byla Rise vystavena.

Nikdo si nedovede predstavit, ze by Rise mohla zaniknout (Co bude, kdyz nebude Rim ?). Upadek je velice pozvolny, behem jedne generace neviditelny.

Jsou dve cesty jak snizit spolecenske nerovnosti: zaridit aby bohati zchudli nebo aby chudi zbohatli. Prvni metoda je neporovnatelne snazsi, proto je casto navrhovana a provadena, zvlaste na levici. Bohuzel casto vede ke zchudnuti bohatych i chudych.

Ekonomicka situace rozvojovych zemi se nezlepsi, dokud tyto zeme neprejdou na stabilni a pruhledny (ne nutne demokraticky) politicky system. Do te doby take nema smysl jakakoliv ekonomicka pomoc (mimo nejnutnejsi pomoci humanitarni) – vse zmizi v “cerne dire cerne ekonomiky”.

Soucasne ovsem neni mozne politickou stabilitu vyvazet nasilim; maximalne je mozne vytvaret predpoklady.

Falesne argumenty o imigraci

  1. Imigrace je nevyhnutelna, odpor je marny. Imigraci neni samozrejme mozne zabranit (stejne jako zlocinnosti). Je ji ale mozne omezovat a regulovat.
  2. Imigrace je ekonomicky nezbytna aby vyvazila pokles porodnosti. Imigranti jsou jen mirne mladsi nez puvodni obyvatelstvo a vetsi porodnost maji pouze v prve generaci (dokud si zachovavaji silne vazby na puvodni zpusob zivota), pote klesa na uroven obvyklou v nove vlasti. K vyrovnani tohoto poklesu bude potreba dalsich imigrantu, atd. Jde o variantu podvodne hry letiste – z pocatku je mozne vydelat, ale nakonec prijde kolaps. Klesajici porodnost je nutne resit jinak.
  3. Imigrace obohacuje. Ano, ale pouze pokud k puvodni kulture pridava. Obohacovani prestava v okamziku, okamziku, kdy nova kultura zacne puvodni kulturu omezvat (nabozensky motivovane zakazy,..) nebo ji primo nahrazovat.
  4. Imigrace je lidskym pravem. Lidskym pravem je pouze pravo azylu. Utek pred chudobou, jakkoliv pochopitelny, lidskym pravem neni.

Several facts often forgotten or misinterpreted by western neocommunist media

  1. Communist atrocities are not limited to Stalin. Terror in Russia has started well before Stalin and lasted till the end of the communist rule in Russia. All communist countries in the world were based on the totalitarian terror. That terror follows logically from the collectivist hate which forms the base of the communist ideology.
  2. Bin Laden was not created by CIA. He is a consequence of the communist aggression agianst Afghanistan. There would be no Bin Laden without war started by communist Russia.
  3. The islamist terrorism is not a reaction to American war in Iraq. The terrorist attacks have started well before that war.
  4. Today, there is more slaves in the world than during the whole period of the Triangular Trade. They are not in the democratic (mostly western) world (with small exception of forced prostitution), but in the Asia and Africa.
  5. Islamic extremist is not the reaction to the western imperialism. While it uses imported nationalist, fascist and communist ideology and some of their most active leaders were educated and supported by western countries, it is the current reaction to the problems of the Islamic culture when all tentatives to solve it by following the “communist way” have terribly failed.
  6. Terrorism is not a reaction to poverty and colonization. Terrorist in general don’t come from the poorest countries of Africa nor from the colonized countries of Asia (India, Vietnam,…). Most terrorist come from educated and reasonable rich families with Islamic background.
  7. Most of the countries colonized by the west were not free before. They were colonies, some for thousands years. The specificity of the last (western) colonization is that it is this colonization which has finally liberated them.
  8. Poor countries were not made poor by colonialism. Some poorest countries were never colonized (Ethiopia), many former colonies are becoming reasonably rich (Vietnam, India,…). Also rich western countries are not rich thanks to colonization. In general, during colonization period, countries without colonies made faster progress than countries with colonies.
  9. West will not help underdeveloped countries by feeding them more money (except for humanitarian cases). Those money are often stolen from the poor people in the West and give to the rich people in the South. The best way how to help is to abandon all restrictions and allow poor countries to freely export into rich countries. That way, everybody will become richer. All countries have to traverse a period of the hard work if they want to become rich. Already-rich countries can help other to do it more quickly, not to skip it.

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